Every day and night of our lives we smell different notes of various essences, many of them go unnoticed, but they are there. Only when an essence
pleases, triggers a warning, irritates, or jogs a memory do we pause to take notice. Perhaps the most striking reaction to fragrances is in the
realm of memories. Almost everyone has experienced a rush of emotion after encountering a certain scent. Images of baking bread, a new car,
or even a first kiss, can all be brought to mind with one simple smell. We can forget the things we listen to, eat, hear, and touch but, only even
if we do not consider them, we never forget smells.
Aromachology is the study of the influence of odours on human behaviour and examines the relationship between feelings and emotions such as
relaxation, exhilaration, sensuality, happiness and well-being brought by odors, stimulating the olfactory pathways in the brain and in particular,
the limbic system. Aromatherapy brought Aromachology which can be defined as the art and science of utilizing naturally extracted aromatic essences from plants
to balance, harmonize and promote a healthy body, mind and spirit.